Wednesday 22 May 2013

Updates May 2013

I've been playing around with the Events, Press and Donate pages over the last month, so that should mean there is now a fairly comprehensive listing of GrappleThon related material in there. Donations are still coming in for the Bristol GrappleThon 2013 in support of RapeCrisis: we're up to £8,612.97/$13,047.38 at the time of writing. If you would like to add to that, any amount no matter how small is welcome, here.

There has been more press coverage as well. The site Mixed Martial World did an interview with me about charity in BJJ, here. That was followed by BJJ Legends Magazine posting up an event report, here. The GrappleThon Facebook page has been steadily climbing up the Likes, which is great to see: we're not far off our first 100 now. ;)

As I keep mentioning, one of the big reasons I set up this site is to try and expand the GrappleThon format further afield. I'm therefore thrilled to announce that there will be a GrappleThon taking place in Bakersfield, CA on the 8th June. Though I'm pretty sure they didn't get the idea from this site, it's still brilliant to see the concept crop up in another country. For full details, check out the Event page on if you want to donate, then the links are all on the Donate page.

I'm not sure if I should be updating monthly or weekly, or indeed at all, but I want to make sure I'm posting regularly on here to keep the blog part of active. I'm hoping to get some guest posts in on various related topics (e.g., running a stream), but that depends on guest writers. If you've run and will be running a GrappleThon and have a topic you'd be interested in writing about, please contact me as I'd be interested in hearing from you. ;)

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